Name: Ray Wagner & Chris Lagasse

Address: North Chelmsford MA 01863

Did Serene listen to you and understand your needs? YES

If you sold a property...

Do you feel it was priced accurately?

Were you satisfied with the time frame in which your property sold?

Were Serene’s strategies and suggestions helpful in selling your property?

If you bought a property…

            Do you feel Serene was focused with your best interests while looking? YES without question

            Did Serene show you as many properties that you wanted to see? YES

            Did you feel pressured or rushed? NO

Was Serene accessible? easily reachable? 24/7 YES!!!

Was Serene easy to work with? Did Serene have a good attitude? YES

Did Serene answer your questions? YES

Was Serene remiss in any area of the transaction? NONE whatsoever

Was Serene instrumental in facilitating the negotiating and closing of the property? YES

What suggestions, if any, do you have that could have improved your home buying/selling process?

Did Serene meet or exceed your expectations? ABSOLUTELY!!!!

Please describe your overall experience with Simply Sell Now:

She is the best real estate agent out there. I would highly recommend her to any client interested in

any aspect of real estate. In our experience we found so many wonderful personal and professional

traits about Serene. She was available to us 24/7 without hesitation and always with a positive and

friendly personality. She helped guide us and kept us focused on what we truly wanted so that we

found a home that was right for us. She never pressured us and always helped keep things in

perspective as we scouted out the possibilities. Serene is very well connected with highly respectable

people who were tremendously valuable to us. She has an unbelievable negotiating style and was

amazing in getting us the deal we wanted. Serene is extremely proactive and worked tirelessly to get

us to our closing date. She took charge of the process and stepped in to assist in getting things taken

care of that were lagging on the other end of the transaction. Serene clearly loves her career and it

shows. She is a multi-talented person with a diverse skill set. She is also very creative and has helped

us settle in with suggestions in home décor and room arrangements. She is quite simply a wonderful

person and we feel very fortunate to have met her.



We have been in our home one week and we absolutely love everything about it. We owe the

happiness it brings us to you who helped give our family a wonderful home to enjoy for many years to



With love and thanks,

Ray, Chris, Kayla & Megan

L. Serene Knell
Simply Sell
Ph: 978.726.0261Fax:978.236.7257
119 Drum Hill Road, Suite 343
Chelmsford, MA 01824 US
License # 9501518
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